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Twinning visitors to Hebden Bridge

The annual fee for membership is £12 This entitles members to attend business meetings of the Twinning Group and pay a reduced charge for activities such as visits to twin towns. There is a youth membership category for those between 16 and 23 and in full time education, at a membership fee that is 50% of the full fee.

Members are always welcome at our monthly meetings. However, we are equally happy if members join in visits , hosting and other events but do not have time to join the meetings.

Associations or organisations can become affiliated to the society on payment of the membership fee set out at the AGM.

The completed membership form can be emailed to our treasurer Andrew Bibby (see Contacts). Ideally the payment should be made by a BACS transfer. Details for this are provided on our membership/membership renewal forms. Clink on the appropriate link below.

Hebden Bridge Twinning Society

HBTS clasped hands
P1020404 St Polois at Wood Top


     ©Hebden Bridge Twinning Society                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Site Map | Legal | Accessibility




St Pol en Ternoise





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