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Future Programme

Twinning & friendship visits:

Recent Programme

Twinning & friendship visits:

45  years of twinning between Hebden Royd and St Pol will also be celebrated in St Pol in May 2024

Other events:

Beer/sausage/Band evening November 6th Wadsworth Community Centre

Talk on the history of twinning to the HBLHS 13th December

We celebrated our 40th Anniversary with St Pol when they visited Hebden Royd between the 26th and the 29th May. Click here for the press release.

Click here for the press release on the celebration of 25 years of twining in Hebden between Hebden Royd and Warstein..

Other events:

Hebden Bridge Twinning Society

HBTS clasped hands


Blackshaw Head Fete Saturday 5th September 2021: The HBTS enjoyed running their bookstall but it did not raise as much money as tombola!



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St Pol en Ternoise






Future Programme

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